Imagine a world of instrument-free molecular diagnostics, employing systems
without any need for electricity, expensive parts and complex operation protocols. This can become a reality thanks to recent developments in biotechnology providing powerful molecular biology tools and the rise of smartphones which has long surpassed 1 billion people worldwide.
Our long-term vision is to offer access to previously expensive and expert-bound molecular diagnostic tools to everyone who needs them. Our goal is to improve human health and agro/food safety across the globe, both at developed and resource limited areas.
The main purpose of Point-Of-Care (POC) testing is to decrease the time between specimen collection and results, leading to faster intervention and treatment and reduced costs associated with the maintenance of large centralized laboratories. Typical end-users of a POC test are healthcare workers at the hospital, intensive care unit or peripheral lab; care providers/nurses at a health post or community center; patients at home or in resource limited areas; farmers at the field; food manufacturers at the collection or production point; and, civil servants at customs where foreign biological material is imported.